Cost of Living increase in New Hampshire, 2016-2023 - Global comparison

The cost of living in New Hampshire has been on the rise in recent years, with housing costs increasing by 46% during Governor Sununu's nearly eight years in office, 1.5 times faster than the national average. The average rent for a 2-bedroom unit in New Hampshire increased from $1,206 in 2016 to $1,764 in 2023.

Electricity prices have also risen, with the average retail price for electricity (cents/kWh) increasing from 15.66 in 2016 to 21.07 in 2022, according to the U.S. Energy Information Agency. This represents a 34.5% increase in electricity costs for New Hampshire families since Sununu took office.

Inflation is also on the rise again, with consumer prices increasing by 0.3% in January from a month earlier. This has resulted in a monthly mortgage that is about $540 cheaper than in October but about $360 more than a year ago for those buying a median-priced house in New Hampshire last month with the prevailing interest rate.

In 2024, the cost of living and income comparison varies significantly across different states in the US. For example, in California, the median household income is $64,500, while in Texas, it's $54,132. However, the cost of living in California is higher, with a regional price parity of 113.4 compared to Texas's 96.2. This means that, on average, goods and services in California are 113.4% of the national average, while in Texas, they are 96.2% of the national average.

When it comes to comparing the cost of living in different countries, Switzerland has the highest cost of living index at 131.4, while Iran has the lowest at 38.6. Switzerland also has the highest monthly income at $7,958, while Iran has the lowest at $332. This means that, in Switzerland, people can afford 94.6% of what an average US citizen can afford, while in Iran, they can only afford 20.6%.

In conclusion, the income to living costs comparison varies significantly across different states in the US and different countries. It's essential to consider these differences when making decisions about where to live or work.

New Hampshire's Gov. sending NH Guard Troops to US/Mexico border - Texas.

Why is New Hampshire such a desired state to live in?

Gov. Chris Sununu getting called out via Bill Maher; we should remember as Residents of New Hampshire - he's a Democrat pretending to be a Republican in favor of the 2A.

New Hampshire's annual revenue surplus in recent years has been significant. The state has ended the fiscal year 2022 with a more than $400 million revenue surplus on a cash basis, according to the Department of Administrative Services. This surplus is largely generated by taxes, which have continued to produce strong results. The surplus is also $266.7 million (10.7%) above the prior year's revenue collections and $457.4 million (19.8%) above the revenues collected by the General and Education Trust Funds in SFY 2019 through the month of April.

In 2023, the surplus has grown even further, with revenues for the first 11 months of the fiscal year at $2.7 billion, which is $250.4 million more than a year ago. Taxes have produced $1.048 billion, which is $228.1 million more than estimates and $199.6 million more than a year ago.

This substantial revenue surplus presents an opportunity to invest in long-term public needs and help support more equitable opportunity for Granite Staters at the greatest risk of being left behind by the economic recovery.

The surplus maybe true, but ordinary citizens do not see a cent of this "surplus," this "surplus" lines the pockets of corrupt politicians/selectmen/sheriffs all throughout the state of New Hampshire; "Live Free While We Take Your Hard-Earned Income."

U.S to withdraw Troops from Syria, and Western Iraq?

Reports suggest U.S. Troop presence in Syria and Iraq, originally established to combat Islamic State in 2014-15, appears to be coming to an end. Defense and State departments claim, foreign policy reported Wednesday February 7th, 2024, the White House has grown wary of a continued Syria deployment. Where an estimated 900 U.S troops are partnered with Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces against the Islamic State. The report clarified "no definitive decision has been made to leave." U.S. Official told CNN the White House "is not considering a withdrawal of forces from Syria." Al-Monitor report published on Monday February 5th, 2024, revealed the Pentagon has a plan - SDF to partner with the Assad Regime against Islamic State; indicating the U.S. has plans to withdraw. A report from Reuters revealed that the U.S. and Iraq will begin talks on ending the American-led coalition troop presence in the country. Talks are expected to last several months, with a U.S. withdrawal far from imminent. U.S. has roughly 2,500 troops in Iraq, who officially ended their combat mission against Islamic State in December 2021 and remain in the country in an advisor role. Source: Forbes

January 6th Judge arrested for road rage leading to him stabbing another motorist on the roadway.

A former U.S. Department of Justice Prosecutor whose tenure included January 6th, 2021, cases, has been accused of stabbing a Florida man in a road rage fight on a bridge outside Tampa, Florida. Florida Highway Patrol Troopers arrested Patrick Douglas Scruggs, a 38-year-old attorney, on the Howard Franklin Bridge after he allegedly hacked up a 35-year-old man with pocketknife, according to authorities. Scruggs recently started working for an Atlanta-based private firm, Barnes & Thornburg, which told FOX13 that he is no longer employed there following his arrest. 

U.S Modern Politics has come to this...

I continue to ask the question of, what has Senator (D-P. A) done since taking that position? Has he accomplished anything spectacular, or is he just a response to the right, I.e., Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-G. A), with the exception of actually getting things done whilst in positions of power, I would argue. We should be ashamed of this behavior as American citizens, people from all across the globe admire the U.S and this isn't a good look for anyone. We appear weak, and unable to change our political position(s), and the people appear to be powerless to it. 

Ukraine files complaint to WTO against Poland

Ukraine has filed complaints with the World Trade Organization [WTO] against Poland. Yulia Svyrydenko, the first deputy prime minister, stated that Ukraine views these restrictions as a violation of the EU countries' international obligations. The complaints were filed in response to the unilateral ban on the import of Ukrainian agriculture products by Poland, Slovakia, and Hungary. Ukrainian exporters have suffered significant monetary losses due to the restrictions. The issue is now under the consideration of the WTO. One could also argue this was part of the Russian plan, not only to waged conventional war against Ukraine, but also destroy Ukraine's economy in the process, at this phase of the conflict - that tactic appears to be working. 

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Harris Family owns a development company called Colony Ridge

The head of Colony Ridge is Trey Harris. They have developed subdivisions in Liberty County, Texas, under the name of Terrenos Houston. The company target low income workers [to include illegal immigrants allegedly] offering them land with no restrictions and soft credit checks. The lots sell for roughly $25,000.00 each, and families can live on the land while they build a permanent residence. The company's five master-planned communities have more than 8,000 lots, 400 of which are now occupied.

Liberty County, Texas, Colony Ridge developed migrant settlement(s)

Maybe controversial but still a pretentious issue 'Hunter Biden Laptop' let's speculate. To include some ongoing investigations throughout the process of inquiry into Hunter Biden's foreign business dealings. 

The Hunter Biden's laptop is a controversial topic that has been the subject of various claims and investigations. According to the results of my web search tool, here are some facts and updates about the laptop: The laptop allegedly belonged to Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden, and was left at a computer repair shop in Delaware, in 2019. The shop owner, John Paul Mac Isaac, said he found compromising and potentially illegal material on the laptop and gave a duplicate of the data to Rudy Guiliani, the former personal attorney to President Donald Trump. In October 2020, The New York Post reported a story based on the laptop data, alleging that now President Joe Biden had engaged in corrupt activities regarding his foreign policy decisions involving Ukraine and China to benefit his son and the companies he worked in. The story was widely criticized and disputed by other media outlets, intelligence officials, and social media platforms. In December 2019, a certain three letter agency seized the laptop from Mac Isaac as part of an investigation into Hunter Biden's tax affairs, and possible foreign influence. In September 2023, Hunter Biden was indicted on three federal gun charges, related to the laptop. He is expected to face trial and possibly more charges in the future. In November 2022, CBS News published a "forensic analysis" that authenticated some of the data on the laptop, including one of the key emails used by the New York Post in their initial reporting. The analysis concluded that the data originated with Hunter Biden and had not been altered. The Washington Post also reported that experts had authenticated a number of emails from the laptop. However, neither analysis could verify the majority of the data, nor could they find clear evidence of tampering. PolitiFact wrote in 2021 that, while there is less doubt that the laptop belongs to Hunter Biden, the laptop did not prove much, as nothing from the laptop had revealed illegal or unethical behavior by VP/President Joe Biden with regards to his son's tenure as a director for Burisma, a Ukrainian energy company.  Speculation(s); US Government agencies first made claims, the 'Hunter Biden laptop' was 'Russian disinformation' this appears to have been debunked since. Some commentators think lighter charges could be constructed in-order to save the Biden Administration the embarrassment of a full-blown public trial. Others believe Hunter Biden could be the target of an assassination plot, purely speculation there is currently no evidence supporting either of these theories. The House Ways and Means committee released a document on Wednesday September 26th, 2023, showing an IRS agent relaying and inquiry from a CNN producer who claimed to have an email where Hunter Biden said that all this 'stuff' will go away once his father was elected US President. To date the alleged email has not yet been made public. More text messages revealed Wednesday September 26th, 2023, by the House Ways and Means committee "suggests" President Biden personally requested a meeting with his son's [Hunter Biden] Chinese business partners. Whose company recently doled out millions of dollars to Hunter Biden. The committee obtained these messages as part of its investigation into Hunter Biden's foreign business dealings and released them, along with a trove of other documents on Wednesday Sept. 26th, 2023. This will coincide with the House oversight committee's first impeachment inquiry hearing against Biden on Thursday. On August 27th, 2017, WhatsApp message from Hunter Biden to Gongwen Dong, the director of the Chinese-Energy conglomerate CEFC, showed Hunter Biden saying his uncles "brother" wanted to meet with Ye Jianming, the chairman of the company in New York City. Federal investigators floated sex trafficking charges against Hunter Biden, according to a document released by Republican members on the House Ways and Means committee.

12/08/2023 Hunter Biden quote of the day - "Elon Musk doesn’t care about the goddamn First Amendment, he doesn’t care about anybody but himself and so all of this idea that he’s a champion for the First Amendment and blah blah blah, Elon Musk doesn’t care about democracy, Elon Musk doesn’t care about our freedom to vote, he doesn’t care about that."   Credit the Story to BREAKING: Elon Musk puts Hunter Biden on BLAST for false 'misinformation' accusation | The Post Millennial | 

12/10/2023 Hunter Biden Indicted on Federal Tax Evasion charges. Fails to appear for a federal subpoena and disposition questioned and witnessed by members of congress. Hunter Biden requested it be a public disposition, which would be referred to as a Federal Hearing, something he did not agree too, nor did the interviewing members of congress. Therefore, he should be held in contempt - he agreed to the disposition, and subsequently failed to show up citing it should be a public disposition, rather than behind closed-doors, according to most State/Federal court districts disposition(s) always done behind closed doors. He didn't agree to a public hearing, he agreed to a disposition, after the disposition has been completed, he would be allotted the opportunity to speak in public. Further diminishing his lack of public credibility; not that he had much of it to begin with.

To be continued... 

Hostilities have erupted between Azerbaijan and Armenian forces over Nagorno-Karabakh region. 

There has been a recent escalation in the conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia over Nagorno-Karabakh Region. Azerbaijan has launched what it calls "anti-terrorist operations" in the Nagorno-Karabakh region and demanded the "complete withdrawal" of ethnic Armenian forces as a condition for peace. Armenia's foreign ministry has urged Russian peacekeeping troops in the region to intervene and stop what it describes as Baku's "full-scale aggression" against the local population. Armenia has accused Azerbaijan of attempting "ethnic cleansing" in the region. However, Armenia's defense ministry, has stated that there is no Armenian military equipment or personnel in Nagorno-Karabakh. The situation has raised international concern, with both Russia and the US calling for an immediate stoppage of hostilities. The UN has also urged "sustained dialogue" to avoid clashes. The conflict has been ongoing for three decades, and the region has been the center of two wars since the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991. The recent escalation has resulted in dozens of casualties, both civilian, and military. The situation is indeed concerning.   

Reports of Ukrainian Special Service agents carrying-out drone attacks against PMC Wagner affiliates in Sudan, Africa?

You read the title correctly; as of today September 19th, 2023, these are the latest reports out of Sudan Africa conflict concerning Ukraine and PMC Wagner group affiliates. Reports of Ukrainian special services being involved in drone attacks against a militia group backed by PMC Wagner, a recent popular Russian mercenary group, in Sudan Africa. According to a CNN investigation, a Ukrainian military source said that "Ukrainian special services were likely responsible" for the strikes and a ground operation targeted the Rapid Support Forces (RSF), a paramilitary group this is fighting against the Sudanese Army for the control of the country. The RSF is believed to be receiving assistance from Wagner PMC, which has a presence in several different African countries. The drone attacks began on September 8th, 2023, and involved two commercially available drones widely used by Ukrainians. The footage of the attacks showed Ukrainian text on the drone controller, and the use of tactics that are uncommon in Sudan and the region. The attacks hit trucks, buildings and personnel near RSF positions that are in Omdurman and Ombada, two cities across the Nile River from the capital of Khartoum. The CNN report also revealed that Wagner PMC has sent a convoy of weapons to an RSF garrison in Al-Zurug, Southwest Sudan, two days before the attacks. The convoy had moved through Chad, Africa - where Wagner does not have an established presence, indicating a possible expansion of Russia and Wagner's influence on the continent. The CNN investigation was based on video footage obtained through social media, and whistleblowers in Chad, as well as analysis by experts. The report also cited other sources that corroborated or expressed surprise at the claimed Ukrainian involvement. Ukraine has not yet officially claimed responsibility for the attacks, and a Sudanese military source said he had no knowledge of a Ukrainian operation in Sudan. The alleged covert attacks by Ukraine in Sudan would mark a dramatic and provocative escalation of Kyiv's theater of war against Moscow, which invaded Ukraine twice in the past decade once on February 20th, 2014, and again most recently on February 24th, 2022. 


A video was Published via Kyiv Independent, today November 6th, 2023. Show Ukrainian Special Forces allegedly eliminating Wagner PMC forces who've committed atrocities in Ukraine during the initial invasion. This is a significant update in the war, showing the outreach of Ukrainian intelligence and special forces capabilities, if this turns out to be true. Again, showcasing the global nature of this conflict, and how it is absolutely spreading to other nations and even continents.  

Evidence of Azerbaijan Military corruption and US Generals & U.S Lobby firms controlled via Azeri money.

In 2014-2015, an estimated 2.6 billion Euro(s) in dirty money flowed out of Azerbaijan, some of which was used to bride European Politicians and journalists to influence their views on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and other issues. Two retired U.S Air Force Generals, Duncan McNabb and William Fraser III, who oversaw US supply routes through Azerbaijan during the war in Afghanistan, tried to profit from their connections by negotiating consulting deals with Silk Way Airlines, an Azerbaijan cargo carrier that received $369 million in U.S defense contracts. The Air Force blocked their requests, fearing a potential scandal and risk to national security. Azerbaijan launched new military operation in Nagorno-Karabakh on September 19th, 2023, claiming to target only legitimate military targets/installations and infrastructure using high-precision weapons. However, there are reports of civilian casualties and human rights violations by the Azerbaijan forces, as well as allegations of using banned cluster munitions and white phosphorus. Some analysts suggest that the operation is motivated by President Ilham Aliyev's desire to divert attention from the domestic problems and discontent in his country, and to consolidate his power and legitimacy.  Azerbaijan lobbyist firms well established in the United States; The Livingston Group, a lobby firm founded by former Republican Congressman Bob Livingston, who has been representing Azerbaijan since 2009 and has received over $10 million USD in fees from the Azerbaijan Government. The firm has lobbied on various issues related to Azerbaijan, such as energy, security, trade, human rights, and the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. The Azerbaijan American Alliance, a 'non-profit' organization established in 2011 by Anar Mammadov, the son of Azerbaijan's transport minister Ziya Mammadov. The group has spent millions of dollars on public relations campaigns, cultural events, congressional trips, and of course donations to influential politicians and think tanks to boost Azerbaijan's reputation and influence in the US. The group has also received funds from Azerbaijani Laundromat, a secret money laundering scheme that saw 2.5 billion Euros flow out of the country between 2012 and 2014. Renaissance Associates, a mysterious Baku-Based organization that has hired a Virginia firm called Bob Lawrence & Associates to lobby the US Government on behalf of Azerbaijan since 2003. The firm has orchestrated praise for Azerbaijan and arranged meetings between Azerbaijani officials and US lawmakers, some of whom have received campaign donations from Renaissance Associates representatives. The organization has also received funds from the Azerbaijan Laundromat through two offshore shell companies. The Turquoise Council for Americans and Eurasians, a Houston-based group connected to Fethullah Gulen, the leader of the moderate Islamist Hizmet movement who fled Turkey in 1999 and is accused by the Turkish government of masterminding a failed coup attempt in 2016'. The group has organized conferences and trips to Baku for state legislators from 17 states, some of whom have introduced resolutions or memorials relating to Azerbaijan in their respective legislatures. The group has also collaborated with Elkhan Suleymanov, an Azerbaijani parliamentarian who is responsible for implementing an aggressive plan to improve the country's image called "Azerbaijan 2020: Smile Future". 

11/08/2023 11:11AM - Rumors swirl, over Azerbaijan's sudden take-over of Nagorno-Karabakh region. Though Armenians are Christians by faith, and technically apart of the CSTO [Collective Security Treaty Organization], which has proven to be in-effective thus far. Iran also has collective interests in Armenia and wouldn't simply sit by and watch Azerbaijan invade Southern Armenia proper. Some sources say Israel could be potentially putting pressure on Azerbaijan [a major purchasers of Israeli weapons] to invade Souther Armenia, thus, forcing Iran to commit resources to the fight on their northern borders.

Russia - Iran strengthen ties

30 plus, Russian companies and officials have flown to Tehran to begin negotiations with Iranian counterparts in a latest flurry of bilateral meetings, RIA Novosti reported on September 19. Trade between Russia and Iran is growing exponentially, with contracts and deals in several sectors kicking in every month. From visas and tourism to soft drinks exports and even automotive sector deals between national manufacturers, the two Caspian Sea Neighbours, now both pariahs amid the Western-led order, are increasingly stuck with each other, fearing the West more than each other. As part of the latest emergency trip to shore up its economy, the Kremlin has organized a two-day multi-industry business mission of Russian companies led by the Russian Export Centre (REC Group). The event in Tehran was hosted by the Tehran Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Mines and is the latest in a string of events created by Iran to entice Russian businesses and investors to partner up. “Twenty-nine Russian companies came to Tehran to present their products: manufacturers of food products, fertilizers', specialized equipment, construction and medical companies, suppliers of IT technologies and more,” the Chamber said in a statement. Exporters have already held more than 220 meetings with potential Iranian partners, chair of Russian businesses groups of Iran, Rostam Zhamanshin said. He added that representatives of Iran's Ministry of Agriculture, the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC), the National Iranian Gas Company (NIGC) and Iran's banking sector have met with counterparts. The Mayor of Karaj, a city with a population of 2mn to the west of Tehran, has announced that a specialized expert team from Moscow City Council will be visiting to sign a memorandum on technical lighting infrastructure. This is part of a collaborative effort between the two cities. Mayor Mehrdad Kiani said on September 19 on the sidelines of the specialized meeting at Moscow’s Zodiac Institute that Karaj would use the skills of the Russians to support their municipal lighting infrastructure. He added: “We are looking to use the experiences of the Moscow Municipality in the field of urban beautification and lighting for Karaj metropolis.”  Meanwhile, the head of the North Khorasan Chamber of Commerce said a delegation of 28 investors headed to Moscow on September 19 with the specific aim of signing trade deals. Maziar Zand stated: 'This delegation, consisting of 22 members from the private sector of the province, spans various sectors including industry, agriculture, mining, and trade.'  Among the planned activities for the delegation are meetings with the Iranian ambassador in Moscow, interactions with the Moscow Chamber of Commerce, engagements with the Iran-Russia Trade Relations Council, and meetings with officials and traders from the Kaluga region. Zand highlighted the presence of several key figures on this trip, including the governor of North Khorasan, the director-general of industry, mining and trade, representatives from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the head of the Agricultural Jihad Organization, the CEO of the Industrial Towns Company, the director-general of the Environmental Protection Agency, the mayor, members of the city council, the director-general of the Science and Technology Park, and the director-general of cultural heritage. Earlier, on September 20, Iran and Russia announced the first visa-free group tour of Dagestan as part of a push by Russia to entice Iranians back to ancient lands — albeit in the form of visitors this time. Iran has historical ties with Dagestan's oldest city Derbent (meaning “gateway” in Persian) that can be traced back to ancient Persia, when the region was a crucial strategic outpost for various Iranian dynasties. The region was occupied by Russia in the 17th century. Nikita Kondratyev, director of the Department of Multilateral Economic Cooperation of Russia’s Ministry of Economic Development, announced the first trip as part of a change in visa rules for tour groups from the Islamic Republic. Meanwhile, Iran is toying with the idea of letting Russians stay at its azure blue resort island of Kish, created by the shah of Iran in the 1970s and the blueprint for what Dubai became across the water. However, to date, only a trickle of Russian tourists have visited the island, with people citing the lack of alcohol and hijab rules—although less stringent on the island than what's usually encountered in Iran—as reasons they would prefer to holiday in Turkey. In the realm of international commerce, on September 7, a bank based in Russia established a SWIFT-duplicate communication channel that runs from Moscow to Tehran. The development by Russia's Sber Bank is the first direct challenge to the Belgium-based financial channel, which has blocked both Iranian and Russian banks from sending financial messages to each other. In May, it was announced by the Central Bank of Iran (CBI) that two Iranian banks had set up representative offices in Russia. The deputy international manager of the CBI, Mohsen Karimi, disclosed the development a day after Russia’s second-largest bank, VTB Bank, opened a representative office in Tehran, marking the first such move of a well-known Russian commercial lender into Iran.

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State of Emergency declared in Texas due to illegal immigration restraining resources along the border with Mexico

A growing number of Texas rural counties are declaring local immigration "disasters". The latest county to make a disaster declaration is an eight-hour drive away from the Texas-Mexico border. The leaders of El Paso, Laredo, and Brownsville issued separate emergency declarations as a public health order is set to expire. Governor Greg Abbott issued a disaster declaration along Texas' southern border in response to the border crisis, providing more resources and strategies to combat the ongoing influx of unlawful immigrants. Three Texas counties declared as state of emergency over the record number of illegal migrants' crossings. Governor Abbott's disaster declaration provides more resources and strategies to combat the ongoing influx of unlawful immigrants and authorizes the use of all necessary and available state and local resources to protect landowners in these counties from trespassers and the damage of private property. Arizona there has been a surge of migrants' crossing the border in Arizona. In a single day, 9,100 migrants were encountered, close to the record-setting 10,000-a-day figures experienced when "Title 42" ended. In a 24-hour period, 7,400 immigrants who crossed from Mexico into Southern Arizona illegally surrendered to Border Patrol agents and were taken into custody. California: The number of migrants crossing the border in San Diego has been steadily rising, with border agents in Tucson Sector now apprehending as many as 2,000 a day. Texas: During the time Operation Lone Star has been in effect, Texas has seen a 6.9% increase in the total monthly migrant encounters reported at the border. New Mexico: New Mexico has seen a 47% increase in migrant encounters since the start of Operation Lone Star.  Interviews conducted by local journalists claim local residents [U.S. Citizens] are deeply concerned with the going crime rate and the presence of Mexican Cartel members.          

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Why could North West African Governments be failing?

There is no definitive answer to why governments in Northwest Africa are failing, but some possible factors are: Historical Legacy: Many countries in Northwest Africa were colonized by European powers, such as France and Britain, who imposed their own systems of administration, law, and education on the local populations. These Systems often did not fit the cultural, ethnic, and religious diversity of the region, and created divisions and conflicts among different groups. After independence, some countries tried to adopt a more indigenous form of governance, such as indirect rule, while others maintained the colonial structures. However, both approaches faced challenges of legitimacy, accountability, and representation, and often failed to deliver basic services and development to the people. Political instability: Many countries in Northwest Africa have experienced frequent coups, civil wars, rebellions, and foreign interventions that have disrupted the functioning of the state and undermined the rule of law. Some countries, such as Libya and Algeria, have also faced violent extremist groups that have challenged the authority of the government and threatened the security of the citizens. Political instability has also created opportunities for corruption, nepotism, and patronage, which have eroded the trust and confidence of the people in their leaders and institutions. Economic challenges: Many countries in Northwest Africa depend heavily on natural resources, such as oil and gas, for their revenues, which makes them vulnerable to fluctuations in global prices and demand. Some countries, such as Nigeria and Angola, have also suffered from the resource curse, which is the paradox that countries with abundant natural resources tend to have lower economic growth, less democracy, and worse development outcomes than countries with fewer natural resources. Economic challenges have also contributed to poverty, inequality, unemployment, and social discontent, which have fueled grievances and protests among the people in these regions. Environmental crises: Many countries in Northwest Africa are facing the impacts of climate change, such as droughts, floods, fires, and desertification, which have reduced the availability and quality of water, land, and food. These environmental crises have also increased the risks of diseases, displacement, and conflicts, especially over scarce resources. Some countries, such as Libya and Tunisia, have also suffered from the lack of adequate infrastructure, such as dams, roads, and power grids, which have hampered their ability to cope with and recover from the disasters.

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DEBATE: is Fentanyl the largest threat to U.S youth?

Yes, Fentanyl is indeed a significant threat to the youth of America as of September 2023. The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has warned of brightly colored fentanyl, dubbed "rainbow fentanyl," being used to target young Americans. This trend appears to be a new method used by drug cartels to sell highly addictive and potentially deadly fentanyl made to look like candy to children and young people. The DEA has stated that fentanyl is the greatest threat to Americans today, killing more Americans between the ages of 18 to 45 than terrorism, car accidents, cancer, or COVID. The number of children under 14 dying from fentanyl poisoning has increased at an alarming rate. Moreover, the increase in the use of fentanyl by teens may be related to other problems on the rise. Mental Health issues and adolescent suicide rates. Therefore, it's clear that fentanyl is currently a significant concern for American youth.                                                                                                                                                                         

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