Israel - Egypt war incoming?

The current probability of an Israeli-Egyptian war is low. While tensions have been rising due to the ongoing conflict in Gaza, both countries have a vested interest in maintaining peace and stability in the region. Egypt and Israel have a long-standing peace treaty, and despite recent strains, neither side appears to be actively seeking a military confrontation. However, the situation remains volatile, and there are concerns that a miscalculation or an unexpected event could lead to an escalation of hostilities. The international community, including the United States, is closely monitoring the situation and working to prevent further escalation. In conclusion, while the probability of an Israeli-Egyptian war is low, it is essential to remain vigilant and continue to work towards a peaceful resolution of the conflict in Gaza.

IDF Start New Phase of Gaza Operation, Operational encirclement of Khan Yunis.

Will the Israel - Hamas war spill-over the northern border to Lebanon?

This is a complex and sensitive question that does not have a definitive answer. However, based on the information available from various sources, I can provide some possible scenarios and factors that may influence the outcome of the conflict. According to some analysts, Hezbollah, the Lebanese Shia militia and political party, has expressed solidarity with Hamas, the Palestinian Islamist faction that rules Gaza, and has exchanged fire with Israel since the Oct. 7 Hamas assault.  Hezbollah is thought to have tens of thousands of missiles that can reach most of Israel and has a well-trained and experienced military wing that fought a 34-day war with Israel in 2006. 

However, Hezbollah may not be willing or able to join Hamas in a full-scale war with Israel, for several reasons:

Hezbollah is heavily involved in the Syrian civil war, where it supports the regime of Bashar al-Assad against various rebel groups. This has drained its resources and manpower, and exposed it to attacks from Israel, which views Iran and its proxies as its main regional threat.

Hezbollah faces domestic challenges and pressures in Lebanon, where it is part of a fragile coalition government that is struggling to cope with a severe economic and political crisis, as well as the aftermath of the massive explosion that devastated Beirut in August 2020. Hezbollah’s involvement in a war with Israel could further destabilize the country and alienate its allies and supporters. 

Hezbollah may not want to risk provoking a harsh response from Israel, which has vowed to defend itself against any aggression from its enemies. Israel has superior military capabilities and intelligence and has reportedly developed new tactics and technologies to counter Hezbollah’s arsenal. A war with Israel could inflict heavy casualties and damage on Hezbollah and its strongholds in southern Lebanon and the Bekaa Valley.

Therefore, Hezbollah may opt to limit its involvement in the conflict to symbolic gestures of support for Hamas, such as firing rockets or drones into Israel, or sending fighters or weapons to Gaza through tunnels or other means. Alternatively, Hezbollah may wait for an opportune moment to escalate its attacks on Israel, such as if Israeli troops move deeper into Gaza, or if the international community fails to intervene to stop the violence.

Ultimately, the decision to declare war on Israel rests with Hezbollah’s leader, Hassan Nasrallah, who is known for his pragmatism and strategic thinking. He may also consult with Iran, which is Hezbollah’s main patron and ally, and which has its own interests and calculations in the region. Iran may seek to use Hezbollah as a bargaining chip in its nuclear negotiations with the US and other world powers, or as a deterrent against a possible Israeli or American strike on its nuclear facilities.

In conclusion, the Israel-Hamas war is a complex and dynamic situation that involves multiple actors and interests, and that could change rapidly depending on the actions and reactions of the parties involved. Hezbollah is a key player in the region and has the potential to influence the course and outcome of the conflict, but it also faces significant constraints and risks that may limit its options and choices. Therefore, it is difficult to predict with certainty whether Hezbollah will declare war on Israel, or what the consequences of such a decision would be. Gaza city, Hamas, and Islamic Jihad have been completely cut-off from the sea, as of November 14th, 2023.

12/05/2023 IDF begin to pound Khan Yunis, Gaza Strip once again, making the redlines crystal clear, release our women and children you now hold hostage, or we'll flatten your [Hamas] entire infrastructure. Chief negotiator from Israeli Intelligence/Mossad left Qatar, at the request of the war cabinet. Which is a clear indication negotiation had broken down, now that Gaza City is completely surrounded, it appears the IDF have now begun to target the southern part of the strip in the Khan Yunis region. 

Israeli - Palestinian Question

The Israel - Palestine conflict this time around appears to be quite severe. Hamas launched an attack on Israel October 7th, 2023, [at roughly 6:30 am] called "Operation Al Aqsa Flood/Storm" and this led to hundreds if not thousands of civilians being slaughtered and posted all over the internet via [formally known as Twitter], Facebook, and Reddit of these atrocities. Israeli Air Force for the past 6 days has been pounding the Gaza Strip [with airstrikes] of suspected Hamas operating bases, and places Israel is receiving rocket fire from inside Gaza City proper. Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel's prime minister - announced hours after the start of the attack, that Israel was at "War with Hamas" and that the retaliation would be swift and severe, similar to the attack done against the Israeli Kibbutz [settlements] in the south of Israel. Khalid Mashal [former external leader of Hamas] - called for a Global Jihad to be upheld not only spiritually, but in the physical form, by means of violent attacks on Jewish Temples and Pro-Israel or Pro-Zionist protesters [in major cities, not only in the Arab world, but throughout the western world as well]; to be held on October 13th, 2023. I'm considering writing a long-winded history on the conflict, thus showing the complexities of finding any binding resolution [between Israelis & Palestinians], being a Christian - I am very concerned about this conflict and is causing the entire region to develop into sudden major conflict. Hezbollah is already threatening to invade Israel, if the IDF [Israeli Defense Force] invades the Gaza Strip. Thousands of historians, geo-political experts, and religious scholars for hundreds if not thousands of years have been searching for a solution to the quote "holy land" dilemma, between Abrahamic religions being able to share the Holy Land Jerusalem [and its holy sites]. Let me emphasize - this is a real crisis that will not be solved over-night, nor are there any easy answers or solutions to the problem. Gaza Strip and the West Bank are a convenient political problem for the surrounding Arab world, considering the justifications of Egypt and Jordan for not excepting ANY refugees from either of these locations, clearly wanting the Palestinian problem to continue and escalate [often]. This keeps Israel busy within their own borders and doesn't allow any troop build-ups upon their borders via the IDF [is the Arab Worlds outlook on Israel, for the most part, not including Iran, Lebanon, and Syria these countries are openly/actively looking for the destruction of the Israeli-State "eternal enemies"]. President Biden has ordered the Pentagon to send two Carrier Strike groups to the Eastern Mediterranean Sea [to include the 26th MEU Marine Expeditionary Unit], this is a clear move to deter any countries in the surrounding area(s) to become involved in the conflict between Israel and Hamas. Recent developments, IAF [Israeli Air Force] attacked both Damascus, and Aleppo international airports, after receiving intelligence about the IRGC [Iranian Republican Guard Corps] Security minister was on route to Syria with weapons. Those weapons were assumed to be going to Hezbollah in-order to bolster their efforts on the southern border of Lebanon with Israel. Causing Israel to keep a large troop presence on their northern border in the Golan Heights along the Purple line, and a large contingent on the blue line [UN line] with Lebanon and Hezbollah. This crisis continues to grow on all fronts, to include attacks happening in the West Bank, which could provoke fundamental extremists in Jordan, or Iraq, thus causing potential attacks on American bases in the middle east, or Israel proper.   7:30 PM EST 10/272023 - 02:30 AM Tel Aviv time, the ground incursion of the North Gaza Strip seems to be underway. 11/2/2023 IDF currently has North Gaza/Gaza City completely surrounded, it is believed that Hamas was caught off-guard by the sheer amount of IDF forces that have penetrated their defenses in Gaza. Rafah border guards have also caught, injured Hamas fighters trying to flee under the guise of being one of the many civilians injured due to Israeli air-strikes, but fortunately American, Israeli, and Egyptian intelligence agencies were able to thwart this attempted escape.


IDF forces have nearly completed cutting off Gaza City from the Mediterranean Sea. Thus, denying H'a'm'a's the ability to re-arm using weapons dropped in the Ocean, via supporting proxies. Also denies proxies from bringing in additional troops in support of H'a'm'a's. Now this is just my opinion, and I do not have all the evidence for this opinion [in-order to prove such opinion], but my instinct tells me there's a concerted effort to cause Abrahamic religions to war with one another [I.e., Jews, Muslims, & Christians]. There is clear evidence for this theory on social media platforms, but whose funding or organizing the operation is still unknown at this time. Please help me. Is there a deep-rooted conspiracy to dupe the three major Abrahamic religions to war with one another intentionally? If someone were to ask me, just two years ago this same question, I wouldn't have taken it seriously, but these days, it can be a hard thing to try and deny. 11/16/2023 - Sources claim there are official discussions happening in-order to negotiate a U.S. and European NATO force [similar to what KFOR is in Kosovo]. Again, these sources cannot confirm these discussions with any type of certainty of chance or possibility, and if they'd likely come to reality, though most high-ranking officials close to these affairs claim, bringing in foreign troops could actually escalate tensions further within the region. Causing more problems for Israel/Palestine long-term, opposed to calming tensions.

11/17/2023 More evidence has emerged according to IDF spokesperson, Hospitals, schools, and mosques were being used for military purposes. Thus, negating sanctuary status as being a place of refuge against military actions.   

12/06/2023 Israel is now making rapid advances towards Khan Yunis southern Gaza Strip, most observers believe this has caught Hamas/PIJ of guard causing them to lose complete communication between certain cells and sleeper cells thru-out the Strip currently. To include tunnels being discovered in Jenin, West Bank.

12/28/2023 A few days before the set of a New Year, and the entirety of the Gaza Strip is almost completely engulfed in a war. I try extremely hard to stay unbiased and remain hopeful peace can be achieved in the near future, the possibilities of this happening seem slim, unless a dramatic shift occurs politically. 2024 should in-fact be an interesting year.

More reports to follow... 

"From Palestine to NYC - Globalize the Intifada Zone of Direct Actions" reads a map with instructions on where key institutions owned by people of Jewish decent.

A social media account has posted a map of dozens of institutions in Manhattan, most of them Jewish, with the headline “Globalize the Intifada: Zone of Operations.” Considering the current geo-political crisis that we're facing here in the U.S. this is not a good sign that it's going away anytime soon, Federal Law Enforcement is dropping the ball when it comes to our safety from these types of threats.

More Reports to follow.