Eagle Pass, Texas - and the potential for a constitutional crisis

We are currently living in an extremely strange time, those maybe unaware of what is happening will soon be pleasantly or unpleasantly surprised. Unfortunate but true, most American's are content with being blind to the true reality and circumstances we now find ourselves face to face with. Choosing rather to ignore the coming political crisis we're now looking down the barrel of, Populism, Republicanism, and Democratism/Liberalism are approaching a choke point, a sudden shake up of the power structure appears inevitable. Change will occur, this is inevitable, how this change will occur exactly can be a hard question to equate and predict. Deep down I think everyone can feel something is about to happen, and something big is about to change, or certain "truths" - "facts" if you will, will come to light. Again, what these things are - could be anyone's guess, after visiting Eagle Pass Texas, I was given the opportunity to witness a different perspective, I suspected to be otherwise different from my own. Though, I found myself agreeing more and more with the local population of Eagle Pass, which are majority Hispanic/Latino decent; most have an adverse reaction to this sudden surge in illegal immigration and asylum-seeking taking place in their hometown. Sympathizing with the local residents of Eagle Pass is easy, seeking and accomplishing positive change is difficult.

After hearing the Governor of Texas Gregg Abbott speak in Shelby Park, Eagle Pass - February 4th, 2024, the message was clear, the Texas/Mexico border would be secured regardless of the support or objection from the Biden Administration and D.C.

Global Risk Advisors

Global Risk Advisors is an international strategic consultancy specializing in cybersecurity, military and law enforcement training, and intelligence-based advisory services. They combine real-world experience, in-depth research, and rigorous analysis to create and deliver unsurpassed, actionable products. Their staff is uniquely well positioned and dedicated to helping their clients navigate a world of uncertainty. They have offices in New York, Washington, London, and Doha.


In 2014, Global Risk Advisors created a detailed security plan in Qatar to install a surveillance system that could track mobile phones with extreme accuracy and allow analysts to isolate individual conversations and listen in real-time. They also proposed a multibillion-dollar project to invest in tech startups on Qatar's behalf, pitched as a way to block the sale of potentially sensitive technology to its Persian Gulf rivals.


In 2018, the company was involved in a covert information campaign against Qatar's rivals that included helping make a film called "Enemies of Peace," which was highly critical of Saudi Arabia's crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman.


It's important to note that Global Risk Advisors has been under FBI investigation for its activities, but the company denies any unlawful actions and claims to have consistently protected Qatar by attacking the attackers.

I asked X's Grok / if George Soros was a threat to U.S. National security?

What is a Black Swan event?

12/27/2023 If you frequently watch legacy media like I sometimes do, realistically only clips I see others post on X/Twitter. You'd commonly hear the phrase, we're at risk/high risk of a "Black Swan" type event; what is that exactly?

A Black Swan event is a high-impact event that is difficult to predict under normal circumstances but that in retrospect appears to have been inevitable. It is unexpected and therefore difficult to prepare for but is often rationalized with the benefit of hindsight as having been unavoidable. The term “Black Swan” was popularized by Nassim Nicholas Taleb, a professor, economist, and writer. He initially explored black swan events in the context of financial markets in the early 21st century and then expanded his scope to include historical, scientific, and other events.

The metaphor of the Black Swan comes from the presumption that all swans were white because all historical records of swans reported them as such. Therefore, the term “Black Swan” was thus used to describe any impossible event or circumstance.  However, the discovery of black swans in Australia by Dutch explorer Willem de Vlamingh in 1697 invalidated this assumption.  The Black Swan thus became a metaphor for the reality that just because something has not happened does not mean that it cannot occur in the future.


Beta Testing Public Discourse, After Releasing Trailer Modern Day U.S.A Civil-War Movie? 

12/14/2023 I think it's fair to ask the question of why, Hollywood A24 productions would be producing and releasing a Civil-War movie here in the U.S. while we appear to be extremely divided? One could argue that it is to scare the public out of having a civil war, and showing the detrimental effects a modern-day civil war would have on the future of our nation.

Timing appears to be significant in the release date, from the perspective of someone who follows the mood of the people/nation often, this concerns me because, just merely putting the idea in some influential people's heads could be catastrophic. Though we've only seen the trailer thus far, making any further assessment would be unwise, but from the context of the trailer 19 western States succeed from the Union and start pushing their military power west towards Washington D.C.

California - Texas Alliance was heard being transmitted via radio during the trailer, but no further details were revealed at this time, therefore, I think it wise to wait and watch the full-length movie before making any further judgement on the matter. The situation reeks of Beta test, which worries me, civil war in this country modern-day would-be Pandora's Box, chaos mass migration would ensue, looting, combat happening at military bases across the nation. Uprisings of different factions not allied with any particular side, complete chaos anarchy, but not in the good way.

12/27/2023 I'd like to be very clear; I'm only writing about this because I do not think enough attention is being paid to this clear-cut issue being perpetrated upon us as a nation, the last thing anyone should want is a civil war in my opinion, but I also think timing of this movie is telling. Unfortunately, to many observers including myself, the divide is deepening between political camps, and no solutions appear to be on the table from either-side, both sides seem to be digging their heels in - and not relenting.  

National Security Concerns

 A recent poll conducted by Echelon Insights shows that 72% of American voters would not be willing to volunteer to fight for their country if the United States faced a major conflict. This poll was conducted with 1,029 likely voters in the United States. However, it’s important to note that the context of the conflict can dramatically change the answer to that question.  For instance, Americans required a reason to support the Vietnam War, while the Afghanistan War had wide support because something happened to the country. In addition, a Daily Mail poll showed that 64% of 1,000 likely voters were willing to die defending the United States in the event of an invasion.  However, the poll also showed that 30% of Americans ages 18-29 would rather surrender than die fighting for the United States [deeply concerning]. It’s a complex issue with many factors at play, including the reasons for the conflict, the perceived threat level, and individual beliefs and values [especially when the education system is actively teaching our youth to hate their country of origin the United States of America]. Feeling insecure yet?


72% of Americans would not fight for their country, poll shows (americanmilitarynews.com)

George Soros, threat to U.S. National security?

GPT-4 response: George Soros, a billionaire investor, has been a subject of controversy and speculation. Some have accused him of being a threat to U.S. national security. While others have debunked these claims. Soros has been critical of certain investment strategies, such as BlackRock’s initiative in China, which he described as a “tragic mistake” that would "damage the national security interests of the U.S. and other democracies". However, these views are part of a broader debate about the role of foreign investments and their potential implications for national security. It’s important to note that accusations or concerns about an individual being a threat to national security are serious and should be based on substantial and credible evidence.  As of my knowledge cutoff in 2021, there has been no official statement or action by the U.S. government declaring George Soros as a threat to national security. For the most current information, please refer to reliable news sources or official government statements. 

Evidence supporting the idea/claim George Soros is corrupt. Soros was convicted of insider trading in France in 2002, where he had “worked with knowledge that the bank might be a takeover target.” The court ordered Soros to pay $2.9 million in restitution. Some have criticized Soros’s views on crime. For example, Soros wrote in a Wall Street Journal op-ed that “black people in the U.S. are five times as likely to be sent to jail as white people,” and that this is “an injustice that undermines our democracy.” However, Jeffrey H. Anderson, President of the American Main Street Initiative, argued that Soros’s claim of injustice is wildly off the mark. There have been conspiracy theories about Soros, such as claims that he was involved in stockpiles of bricks at protests [otherwise known as supplying rioters with weapons to use against police/security personnel].  However, these claims have been debunked, and no evidence has turned up showing they were purposefully placed. There have also been false claims involving Soros, such as allegations of election-related crimes. It should be also noted that, George Soros and son Alex Soros are the largest financial donors of the Democratic Party, to include local district levels.