Police Corruption local Police departments across US studies show?

Published on 19 September 2023 at 08:31

There are several studies that have been conducted on corruption in local police departments the US, here are some key findings.

A study title "Police Corruption: an Analytical look into Police Ethics" discusses the topic of Police corruption and the detrimental aspects of Police misconduct. The study reveals that only 56% of people rated the Police as having a high or very high ethical standard. The research offers some understanding of the phenomenon in the hope of rooting out this behavior that serves to undermine the overall legitimacy of Law Enforcement. Another study shows that Police misconduct costs cities millions of dollars every year. The analysis shows that cities have spent more than $3 billion to settle misconduct lawsuits over the past 10 years. These settlements can be taxing on any city, which is generally on the hook for the payouts, and those costs can encourage cities to make broader changes rapidly, causing mistakes during the process. Reporters from USA TODAY and the non-profit Invisible Institute of Chicago spent more than a year creating the biggest collection of Police misconduct records in-recent history. These studies and records highlight the ongoing issue of corruption in local police departments across the US and emphasizes the need for continued research and reform, on this subject.

The 'Laurie-List' a list of roughly 260 police officers [or former police officers] who've been cited for corruption and misconduct. Which now defense attorneys can raise this question in court, in-regards to the Officer's credibility and place that under question before moving ahead with any conviction or verdict. Putting an end to years of secrecy, litigation, and legislature. While the list's release represents the fullest airing of police misconduct in the state to date, it is clearly far from completely transparent. Large portions of the list recently released are heavily blacked out and redacting the names of 91 officers who are appealing their status on the list. According to a January 2022 report from the New Hampshire Attorney General's office, there are 256 names included on the 'Laurie-List'. 

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Renzo Michael
a year ago

Great Work - keep the blogs coming and turn-off comments until you get premium!